Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Me on my Birthday

Here is a picture that my mom found when she went to print her pictures from that ghastly - long trip she recently took to a place called Hawaii.  She took this picture of me on my last birthday (number FIVE for me!) and thought it captured me looking thoughtful. She laughed when we looked back at it now, saying "There's my pensive and thoughtful adult tomcat!"  If you'll notice, my feet are perched on the spine of a book called "What's My Cat Thinking?"  You can only make out the "Cat Thinking" part, but it's still sort of humorous.  Mind you, that is a book my MOM was reading, not me!

Since my mom loves me and wanted a big, framed picture of me, she turned this one into a sepia-tinted 4 x 6 and printed it.  But a lot of her friends said that I looked either "unhappy" or "bored" or something.  I remember that I was simply lounging in the sunshine very close to a window.  I'm sure I was thinking my dreamy, pre-nap thoughts, but now I think my mom feels bad.  So what do you cats think?  Is this a good picture of me, or should we try again?  I really don't mind posing for photos; I call them my modeling shoots.  You know, we cats like to be fancy and the center of attention!   I especially like to show off a freshly-brushed coat!  *Purrs* --Dorian


The Whiskeratti said...

Hmmm.. we like this shot.

Tatyanna (and Dorian too) said...

Thanks!! We love your profile picture!! It always makes us smile! --Dorian (and his mom)

A few Good Cats said...

We come down on the side of "pensive and thoughtful"! Your human knows you better than anyone else!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

That is a great shot!

Parker said...

We love this photo - it's very nice!