Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Friends!  Please forgive a cat for being away from the blogs (both his own and all of yours) for too long!  I hope you all have not given up on this guy!  It is late at night, or depending on how you look at it, early in the morning here in my new playroom, and I have been so busy!  My mom and I have been putting the finishing touches on my very own room, which I wrote about last time, and which has been taking up so much of my time; I even sleep in there some nights!  I never thought I'd like sleeping in a separate room alone, but cats, I have to admit, it's fun to have my own little space, my own bathroom in there (well, litter box room, to be specific), and so given the fact that I'm a 6 year old now, I go and sleep the night in there on occasion.  I do miss snuggling up in the big, warm bed with Mom though, and I always come back the next night!

My point, although it might not seem like it, is NOT to brag all about our new apartment :)  I just wanted to let my friends know that we finally finished moving my toys and houses and various kitty belongings in, so we are able to take some pictures.  Mom said first thing tomorrow, when the daylight is right, we will have a photo shoot; and then, you KNOW I'll be back here to share my room with all of you!  I hope to catch up on all my favorite pet blogs then too!
until then... ****PUUUURRRRS*****--Dorian


Kea said...

It takes a while to settle in, we understand! We're looking forward to seeing pics, especially of your own room!

A few Good Cats said...

Pretty impressive that you have your own room, besides free run of the entire apartment. Your human staff sure does treat you right!