Friday, July 16, 2010

My Birthday!

Hi Everyone!  I hope that all you cats are keeping cool out there!  If your summer weather is anything like where I live, then you are drinking a lot of cold water (hopefully supplied frequently by your kind humans!) and giving yourself a lot of extra tongue baths too!  I won't be lying on my porch until later in the evening today ... With a double-thick coat like this, it's no good to have the sun beating down on me!  

For an indoor project, my human mom helped me pick out some pictures from my birthday bash to share with you here!  I had so much fun, and thanks to everyone who sent happy birthdays to me!  It was a special day, well, a special WEEKEND really.  Like I said, we partied for a couple of days.  I felt like a king.  And I mean, really, aren't we cats always trying to show these humans (and sometimes our dog friends too) that cats really are pretty darn regal?  Haha, well here's a few of the fun:

There I was when I first woke up, just waiting for breakfast like I always do ... I think I forgot it was my special day until I looked in my bowl and saw all my favorite kibbles and NONE of the "healthy" ones that my mom mixes in!

Later on, I opened some presents wrapped in fun, crinkly paper ... THIS was the BEST!!!  It's a tunnel that stands up on its own, but it can also close at one end to form a bag/sack (I love to play in paper sacks, but this one is permanent!).  But I didn't know what it was yet.  When new things come into my house, I just sit near them and watch what they might do ....

COOL!!!  This is one of my humans named Dan, who gave me my special gift!  He showed me how to play with my new tunnel/bag... See me listening intently!  He showed me how to go inside and out the end, and how to hunt a toy inside of it!  Oh yeah, and the bag is made of crinkly, crunchy material to knead my paws on!!!!  Just like a plastic bag!  But Mom says it's safer for me.
We played a LOT that night!  And I got to eat a few favorite treats (Temptations! Crunchy on the outside and chewy on the inside!  I like ALL the flavors!) before bed.  I usually sleep in a big cardboard box-bed that I've marked and bent just right for me, and that has my favorite blanket inside.  But on my birthday I gave my bag a try ... Does't it make a good sleeping bag too!?  Sweet dreams everyone! **Purrrrs** --Dorian

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Hello to all of my furry (and not-so-furry) friends out there!  It's another hot and humid day in our neck of the city (haha).  Yes, I know, I have been a bad kitty when it comes to updating my blog; that is what this post is for!!!  

We've just had such a great time out on the porch; Mom lets me go out to investigate new smells after the evening rains, and to check the progress of these new purple flowers we are growing ... and when my tasks are done, of course, I like to warm my belly by strrrreeetching out and dozing.

Also, last week was my birthday (July 2), and I turned SIX years old!  I am going to help my mom choose some pictures of me enjoying my party and playing with my presents!  OOOH, it was SO FUN!  My humans made it into a whole weekend of birthday events and celebration for me, me, me!  My mom said that each day of the weekend we could play whatever toys I wanted to play with, and I got to eat only my favorite foods in my bowl (yum!), and they got me great presents!  You'll see in my pictures!  Last year, my human mom and I had just moved here, and things were very crazy, boxes everywhere, new smells and sounds to get used to.  We both were nervous and stressed trying to make our place "home"!  So my mom said it was important that THIS birthday be waaaaaay better than that one!  It was!  

So don't worry!  I won't be away too long; just long enough to help with the photos (usually I just take a few paw-swipes at the keyboard while Mom messes around with her camera ... that helps, right?)... AND to catch up on all my cat friends' blogs!!!
**Purrrrrs**** --Dorian