Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Separation Anxiety

Reprinted from TerminallyUniq (An update on Dorian by his mom):

Yes, I'm BACK!  This is a happy event (coming back to my main blog) for me, as I'm sure it is for my loyal readers reader.

However, I feel all out-of-sorts.  I can't decide whether to take a nap or to try to stay busy ... and I think the latter will lead to mania, with me just running around and starting various projects, which no doubt need to be done but none of which I will finish.  The whole thinking process about all of it just exhausts me, and then I guess I should just take that nap... But I have some new books, and maybe I could read, and I'm just out-of-sorts!

The problem?  My precious baby Dorian-Cat is at the Vet today.  For the whole day.  He's being put under anesthesia and getting his teeth cleaned.  At his recent appointment they found some pretty bad gum irritation and tooth decay starting, and he might have to have one tooth pulled.  I didn't know how prone he was to this problem, but I have resolved to work on teeth-brushing with him.  He will hate it, but it's better than this!!!!  

I had to take my Dori to the vet clinic by 8 a.m. and will not be able to pick him up until 5... I have done this once before, and everything was just fine.  I like my vet, and my cat was great, he did great, and he was sleepy but healthy, everything worked out... But I hate it so much!  It's really obvious to me today how much our lives at home are intertwined!  I got up off the couch and was gingerly putting my feet down, just in case he was lying there, like I always do, because he tends to get under foot.  But then of course, I realized, he's not here!  Then the guys who do lawn work at our apartment complex came by, and they had the loud leaf-blower out, and I jumped up to shut the door, because Dori hates that... but I realized that it won't bother him if he's all the way at the clinic.  I hate this!  It's the weirdest thing ever to be at home with my cat NOT at home.   It's like what?  Why would he be away somewhere?  He doesn't go on play dates or anything, like, without me.  

I do not care if I sound like a poorly-adjusted, co-dependent, over-attached cat mom.  I don't like him to be there, or anywhere, without me.  He only trusts me 100%.  He trusts a few other humans close to that, but believe me, they ain't at the veterinary clinic.  Oh, sadness... Oh, anxiety... I want my baby back!  I must pass the time now, so that soon they will call and the day will be done.  

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Nap Time

Hope everyone is having a good start to their week!  Mom and I have been kind of laying low; Mom's trying to get some house work done, cleaning and stuff... I guess there is a lot of fur and tiny, fine cat hairs to be cleaned and v-a-c-u-u-m-e-d (I can barely think that word!!) ... wonder who those are from!? ;)  Anyway, because my humans are so busy, and Mom is also working on a new blog project this week, we are taking a little break.  More time for me to play out on the balcony and take naps though!  I will be back to my regular blogging in about a week, or two at the most.  Mom will too, if your humans follow hers!  Until then, ***PURRRRS***--Dorian

Thursday, September 2, 2010

A Quick Note on a Thursday Evening

Happy Thursday, everyone!  I just woke from a nap to find it had rained quite a lot while I was dreaming!  Mom took a nap too, but now we are both up; I'm watching the birds that have come out hunting and playing and tweeting!  Plus, I think that I hear Mom rustling bags for my dinner!  Hope everyone is having a good day!  ***Purrrrs***Dorian