Thursday, February 25, 2010

I've Been Working Hard!

A little bit of updating first!  Over the weekend when Mom was sick (she slept, like ALL of both two days ... more than I do!), I had the time to add stuff to my blog (so fun!  i LOVE having this thing!).  If you feel like exploring a bit, take a look to the right of the posts; you will find there a link to my favorite cat charity,!  it's a great site, developed by a 12-year-old human girl (thanks, human girl!!).  you just go there, answer a fun trivia question about cats, and whether you get it wrong or right, the site donates 10 pieces of nutritious, organic kibble to cats in shelters (some to other cats in need too).  Don't hold it against them, okay, but the site actually started out as free kibble for dogs only!!  Can you even IMAGINE??  Dogs don't even NEED kibble, strictly speaking!  Dogs will eat ANYthing when the going gets tough, from what I've seen, whereas we cats have far more discriminating taste and truly NEED our cat-specific meals!! ... Okay, because I do have a neighbor friend who is a beagle (hi Roxy!) as well as some old dog friends from my own shelter days ... so, I'm making a joke, mostly :)  I hope you will do what my mom does and play the freekibblekat game and then just click over to feed hungry shelter dogs too!  That brings up one more point:  This charity, and any others with the same kind of focus, are really special to my heart (Mom's too!), because I was raised in a shelter!  Maybe when we are farther along in our blog friendship, I will tell you more about my early life there ... but suffice to say that Mom and I got together when I was almost ONE years old!  I spent lots of time relying on shelter kibble.

Also new to my layout is the Blog List of all my cat friends that also chronicle their lives!!  I hope to meet more cats -- and even dogs -- while reading and writing in the blog world.

So glad that Mom let me get my own blog!!!  OH, and PS, I know that everyone likes to see a lot of pictures on most animal and pet blogs, so don't worry!  We have a ton and are always taking more!!  I'll be posting stuff about my day (photos as well as words) soon!


Parker said...

Yay! I am glad you have your very own blog!!!

A few Good Cats said...

Hello Dorian! It sounds as though you've had an interesting life so far, and we're looking forward to hearing more about it. We'll have our human staff add your feed to our reader ASAP.