Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Better Now (I THINK...)

Wow, what a week I've had here!!!  Mom and I were so busy getting re-acquainted (she sure needed a LOT of my scent-rubbing and tongue baths after bringing all those "Hawaii" smells home on her!!) that we vowed not to write our blogs or do much of anything but snuggle-up most of the time that she was home!  What a lucky cat I have been this week.

I think I am feeling less anxious about Mom leaving now.  Does that feeling ever happen to any of you cats (or dogs)?  Every now and then my mom has to leave for what she tells me is just a "long weekend" or something called "a wedding" or things like that.  They don't take very long.   I usually take my nice, relaxing, uninterrupted naps; I eat snacks at my leisure and play with my toys, and then before I know it, she is back, showering me with nose-kisses and even picking me up (she knows this is not my favorite thing, so she only does it when she REALLY is missing me!). 

So her recent trip was different.  Mom and I have NEVER been separated for TWO WEEKS before!  She said we won't ever be separated like that again either, and I'm so happy!  It was too long!  I know that I'm supposed to be a big boy, and I'm going to be 6 this summer, but still.  It was just us guys staying at the apartment, and the human taking care of me couldn't spend the night all the time, not like he was living here.  He loves me too, and loves my mom, but I still missed her.  What can I say?  I'm a Momma's Cat!  That's what she tells me!  

But as I wrote in my subject today, I am better now, I think!  At first, I never wanted to leave Mom's side ... you know, just to be SURE she wasn't packing up again or going anywhere for very long!  If she sat down on the couch, then I made sure to sit down too!  When she went to sleep at night, I slept right by her side!  I didn't want to go to my normal sleeping spots, like my House or my Penthouse (a home-made house put way up high on a desk-top for me, ha ha, the Penthouse!) or any of my cardboard boxes.  I only wanted to stay by Mom.  She said she loved how I would cuddle up by her and make a snuggle-pile (that's what she calls it if we get blankets and each other and make a pile!).  Now that I'm a big boy I don't do that kind of thing as much, but this week I did.  I'm telling you guys, it's a good idea to keep an eye on your humans and make sure they don't run away again after they have gone somewhere like "Hawaii"!

Last time I posted I got a lovely comment stating that Mom probably isn't going to leave me ever again, because she missed me too much!  That's exactly what she keeps telling me!  I'm very happy that we are in agreement about this!  Mom said she had a good time and needed to get out in the sun (winters are very cold here for the humans who don't have natural fur coats!), but now she did that.  And now it is getting warm and sunny here too!  

Last night I ventured into my "bedroom," which is the back square of my fold-up house.  I fell right asleep, and I felt very peaceful.  When I woke up, I saw that my mom had fallen asleep on the couch anyway, so I still wasn't far from her!  I'm getting better at it though.  Mom told Gramma the other day that she thinks I am okay and getting over my fear of her leaving me!  Yay!  I don't want to be a scaredy-cat!  Just want my mom to stay with me or at least bring me with!  I'll send a postcard if we go to this place called Hawaii!

P.S.  Mom had technical issues with her camera that are getting fixed right now ... When she gets it fixed, we will have lots of new pictures for me to post here!  What's a kitty-blog with no pictures, right?   Purrs everyone!


A few Good Cats said...

Life's just better when you're with the one you love.

The Whiskeratti said...

Oh my Ceiling Cat! Two weeks! Wow. We're glad your the Mom is back home!