Monday, August 2, 2010

It has been a WILD weekend here at our humble abode!  The main activity was that my human-grandma has been coming and going, brining boxes and bins full of strange-scented things from her house; she says they are my mom's old things from when SHE was a kitten...oops, I mean a little kid!  Anyway, I guess my mom is supposed to throw away stuff she doesn't want and re-pack the other things for storage.  Well, I didn't like this at all!   I always hate it when people are moving large objects over my head and all around, especially before I have a chance to inspect them thoroughly!  ...But then!!!!  Mom began working on them, and guess what!  I have one huge, sturdy, purrrrrfect new box to hide and play and sleep in, one that Mom emptied!  She says I can keep it now!  No way!!!! It's so tall, with such wide flaps, that we have to lay it on its side so that I can get in!!!  Mom said she might cut a few holes to make it a REAL kitty-house for me, with dual-entrances... Hmmm, I think I might not be so quick to hide next time I see Grandma coming with new objects in her arms!

Today's picture is NOT me with my new box (those will be coming soon though!); rather, it's one I hadn't posted yet that I really like ... I'm helping one of my favorite humans named Dan balance his checkbook!  I love to help with all sorts of tasks!


Kea said...

Ooh, a box! That might become a kitty house! Wow, you are SO lucky! :-)

P.S. Our human barely remembers balancing a cheque book. Not since the wonderful world of debit cards and on-line banking! And if her condo corporation would get with it and take the fees directly from bank accounts, she wouldn't have to write any cheques at all!

The Whiskeratti said...

Ooohhh a box! There's nothing quite so nice as a good box. Unless it's primo nip.

Forever Foster said...

Wooohoo! It sounds like you hit the jackpot with that box!